The Society of Feminist Mothers is a modern-day consciousness raising group. A political action committee. A supportive friendship circle. A gender studies education. An invitation to bring equality and justice into your parenting. It’s personal, it’s political, and it’s for you.

This year in the Society, we’re coming together virtually once a month to discuss feminist books (fiction, nonfiction, and memoir) that are inspiring and relevant to our lives as parents and citizens of the world. I’ll offer the book picks and a reading guide. You’ll read the book (as much or little of it as you have time for - life happens!) and use the reading guide to reflect on what you’re reading. We’ll meet all together at the end of the month for a guided discussion on the book and its main topics. I’ll offer suggestions of related articles, books and podcasts to help you really dig into the ideas in that month’s selection.

You’ll also have access to a private Whatsapp group where you will get to know other Society members and chat about the book throughout the month.

Society membership this year is £5 per month, or £50 for a 12 month membership. Membership is open now for a limited time. Come and build a society of feminist mothers with me!

For an annual membership, which saves you £10 over the year, click here: Join annually!

For a monthly membership, please scroll down and use the paypal subscription link at the bottom of this page.

This year’s book picks are:

Angela Garbes - Essential Labour

Jia Tolentino - Trick Mirror

Deborah Levy - The Cost of Living

Maggie Nelson - The Argonauts

Olivia Laing - Every Body

Laura Bates - Men who Hate Women

Mikki Kendall - Hood Feminism

Darcy Lockman - All the Rage

Adrienne Maree Brown - We Will Not Cancel Us and Emergent Strategy

The final months’ selections are left open until I get to know the group’s interests and curiosities.

Subscribe Monthly here: